What do you get when you combine someone with a love for church planting and yet skills and calling for second chair leadership? You get Second Chair Church Planting.
Flowing out of a desire to strengthen church plants and expand Gospel impact, Second Chair was founded to serve church planters as they begin planting. The germ of the idea started over ten years ago as I was in a church planting coaching triad. The two church planters I gathered with did an amazing job of leading their church plants. We used to kid each other though, of what it would look like if I could come alongside them for administration, leadership development, and disciple-making support.
As I look over my life, I could divide it into 3 twenty year chunks or phases. The first was the Education Foundation phase (1957-1977). The next I call the Engineering Phase (1978-1998). Then came the call to Gospel Ministry Phase (1998-present). As I have been asking the Lord what the next twenty years would hold (God willing) and the desire to begin a new adventure I call Second Chair Church Planting.